Our Administrator

Our Administrator Fr Giju George

Fr Giju George

( Administrator )

Warm Welcome to all the aspirants.

It gives me an immense pleasure to welcome you all in one of the best colleges of Dimapur which is dedicated to provide quality education at graduation level. Education is a sincere commitment for the institution as well as for learners. In present scenario, this commitment becomes more vital as the higher education is passing through a rapid transformation. Be it teaching, learning or extra co-curricular activities, the measures of performance have changed. Mere degree from a college is no longer a guarantee for a successful career. It requires a balanced personality with knowledge and skills. Our college and faculty strive hard to impart variety of experience and inculcate skills such as leadership and team spirit which are helpful in future.

The institution is situated in the heart of the Dimapur city, which is approachable to every aspirant who want to do best for the society.  The college vision is to provide quality education in an affordable fee for all the students who come from different section of the society and guiding the students to enhance human values through quality education. For that we have dedicated principal and hardworking faculty make every effort to shape the mental, social, moral growth of the learners.

On the behalf of MGM College family, I assure you that you are benefited and nurtured here in every perspective. Now, it’s up to you how much benefit you drive from the institution. Always remember, many opportunities await us, how we make use of it depend on in how we do and what we chose to do. Hence, I wish all of you a very meaningful and exciting life here at the campus.

Fr Giju George